Saturday, December 08, 2012

Saturday "Long Run"

11 kilometres in fog, drizzle, mist, and light rain at 4 degrees. (6.8 miles at 39 degrees F for y'all down south.) As usual the hardest part was getting out of the house and car to start the run. The second hardest part was getting back into the car, soaking wet, and driving to the gym to shower. The actual run was actually fairly comfortable after the first 10 minutes of warming up a bit. I enjoyed the rain hitting my face and cooling me down from the run. I did a trail run right next to the river on a rail trail so it was fairly level. Down river for the first 5.5 km and then back up river for the last 5.5 km. Long ago a friend told me that one should be able to run a 10 race easily in the number of minutes that corresponded to the number of years in ones age. That being said, I was pleased that my "long slow run" ended up with a 10 km time that equalled my age years. Guess I was running too fast.

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